Pilates for Weight Loss and Toning: Can You Lost Weight With Pilates?

One workout more people are starting to get into is pilates and Pilates for Weight Loss and Toning can be very effective.  Pilates is a cross between yoga and ballet training. It will help increase flexibility and range of motion, while helping to increase overall muscle strength.

Those who are not interested weight lifting may use pilates as an alternative way to improve fitness levels and tone muscles.

But will pilates also help you lose weight as well as tone up? Let’s find out…

Pilates for Weight Loss

Consider the calories burn with pilates training to see if you will experience any  weight loss. Since losing fat comes down to burning off more calories than consumed, activities that burn calories faster will help you achieve fat loss quicker.

Pilates is a medium level calorie burning activity.  It won’t burn as many calories as intense cardio workouts or intense weight lifting sessions but it’ll burn more calories than just yoga or plain walking. So in that sense it will help you achieve some weight loss. If you follow a good diet as well as using some pilates training so you create a calorie deficit you should see yourself losing weight gradually.

Pilates And Toning Muscles

Consider the effect that pilates has on your muscle growth and toning.

Adding more lean muscle is one of the best known ways to boost your overall metabolism so you burn more calories. This must be considered as well and not just the overall calories burned focused on.

Pilates rates as a moderate activity for accomplishing muscle growth.  It doesn’t feature as high as a weight lifting workout would, but, it will burn more muscle mass than a cardio workout or aerobic class.

This also helps make pilates a great exercise for body reshaping as well as helping you lose weight.

Pilates and the Stress Factor

Finally, pilates offers benefits in terms of helping lower your overall level of stress.  If you often eat due to emotional reasons, pilates is a good exercise to include in your workout program. This exercise focuses on plenty of deep breathing, which helps those suffering from high levels of stress.

Where to Practice Pilates

Pilates classes are routinely held at local gyms. If you fancy having a solo session there is a myriad of pilates DVDs to choose form. Some focus on weight loss with pilates and others on the practice of pilates. Buy yourself an exercise mat and get started!




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What Diet: Pilates for Weight Loss and Toning