Do Diet Pills Work?

Do Diet Pills Work?

Do diet pills work or are they all fads? If you want to lose weight quickly for a special occasions such as the holiday, a trip to your local health store or a quick browse the Internet will reveal many diet pills promising the ultimate fast weight loss fix.

The great range of weight loss pills include metabolism booster pills, fat-blockers and many war that reduce appetite and make you burn calories quicker.  With these seemingly too good to be true promises do slimming pills really work?

Diet Pills Proven to Work

In the UK only two anti obesity drugs are available on prescription for weight reduction.  These are Xenical (Orlistat) and Reductil (Sibutramine).

Orlistat however it is now available over the counter as Alli Weight Loss Pills. Xenical works by blocking the enzyme that digests fat in the intestine to stop about 30% of the fat in food you have eaten from being absorbed.  Consequently your body loses about a third of the calories consumed.

Reductil works by boosting chemicals in the body to make you feel full.  This means that you are less inclined to eat more food and by eating less calories you lose weight.

Xenical and Reductil do both work and have been clinically proven to result in weight loss.  The drugs also are supported by most health professionals.  However as prescribe the bulldogs they are usually only available to those who are obese.

Nevertheless even those prescribed to take Xenical and Reductil still have to follow professional life style advice which includes diet and exercise plans.

Non-Prescription Diet Pills

Unfortunately these two proven slimming pills of are far removed from those weight loss pills that can be purchased over the counter in health stores, chemists and supermarkets.  There is little evidence to prove that the ingredients contained in these over the will actually help you to lose weight.

There is little research to back up these are over the counter slimming pills and in addition many of these weight loss tablets provide little information on the packaging and instructions.  Most importantly many of these fail to describe basic theory on how these products are purported to work to result in weight loss.

 Over the Counter Diet Pill Side Effects

Non prescription slimming pill side effects can actually be far reaching.  Many of these weight loss pills can do more harm to your body and good in helping you to lose weight.

Many such diet pills are unsuitable for those with existing medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure however this patently and clear from some of the packaging.  This results in unsuitable people purchasing and using these weight loss pills.

Persons taking existing medication may also not be suitably aware that such slimming pills are not suitable and may conflict with existing medication.  This again could cause problems and adverse side effects.

In addition many of these non prescription the weight loss pills are expensive meaning that dieters often pay out for them with little chance of success in losing weight.

How to choose Diet Pills

Despite this, many dieters are still attempted to try to weight loss tablets in the hopes that they will lose weight quicker and easier.  Many diets will see this as a shortcut to weight loss with the idea that it was circumvent having to follow a diet plan and exercise regime.  However this is sadly not the case and the large majority of over the counter weight loss tablets come with eight recommended low calorie diet plan with recommend engines for taking exercise.  It is used in combination of the diet plan and exercise and result in the weight loss rather than any consumption of the weight loss pills themselves.

Do Diet Pills Ever Work?

Prescription weight loss drugs do work on the advice of the medical professional.

Sometimes non prescription weight loss pills can work however this is usually down to consumers following the diet and weight loss advice accompanying the diet pills rather than down to the diet pills online.  Such over the counter pills usually result in weight loss due to:

  • The low calorie diet plan that accompanies taking the diet pills
  • Taking more exercise as per the recommended by the hcg diet pill packaging
  • Drinking large amounts of water with the pills to fill you are and reduce hunger pangs
  • The psychological placebo that you are taking something to make you lose weight and consciously may affect your decisions to eat more healthily and take more exercise

What diet’s Diet Pills Review

Although the Clinincally prescribed slimming drugs Xenical and Reductil also be useful in the treatment of the clinical condition of obesity, many of the non prescription herbal an otherwise weight loss pills have little or no effect.

If you think you may be a candidate for the Clinincally prescribed drugs you should see your GP for an assessment.

Unfortunately with a sadly lacking wealth of information on over the counter slimming pills to lose weight the conclusion is that you will be better following a sensible diet and exercise plan other than spending your money on weight loss tablets and may be a waste of time and money.

The Safe Way to Lose Weight

For safe weight loss rather than purchasing diet pills of following crash diets you need to go to the root of your poor eating habits and lack of exercise.  These are things that help you to weight gain weight in the first place.  If you focus on canceling these habits out and making long-term changes to promote a healthy lifestyle there will be no need two look at weight loss diets or result quick fix remedies such as diet pills.

However if you still tempted to use slimming pills for weight loss then you should at least avoid the most outrageous claims made by some weight loss pills such as

  • Promising the quick fix a weight loss overnight
  • Rapid weight loss of more than £2.00 a week
  • Pills that come with advice suggesting you do not need to change exercise or diet habits
  • They also provide no dietary advice to follow whilst taking the weight loss pills.
  • Pills that come with a recommendation to follow a fad diet, such cooking

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Alphabetical list of diet pills

Slimming aids and weight loss pills

What Diet: Do Diet Pills Work?