Marks and Spencer

Calories in fortified wine calories in fortified wine

Calorie counter list for calories in fortified wine including sherry, port and Madeira. Fortified wines can be higher in calories than spirits and tables wines as they are richer and mostly sweeter. Check the calorie counter below to make sure you are keeping within your calories limit.

These are meant to be drunk alone without any mixers so go easy on the quantity.

BASIC DRINKSFortified wines, per 50 ml pub measure                                                                                           CALORIES(kcal)
Calories in Madeira 75
Calories in Port 80
Calories in Sherry, cream 75
Calories in Sherry, dry 60
Calories in Sherry, extra dry 50
Calories in Sherry, medium 65
Calories in Sherry, sweet 75

Useful links
Food calorie counter
Alcohol calorie counter

Photo credits Image: zirconicusso /

What Diet: Calories in fortified wine