Marks and Spencer

Calories in Sherry calories in sherry

Calorie chart for calories in different types of sherry including calories in Croft sherry and calories in Harveys of Bristol sherry.

Sherry is relatively low calorie and is usually drunk alone in a small measure. It is said to be the alcoholic drink of choice for speed in getting you in a merry mood. Associated with the elderly sherry is a popular easily drinkable short that comes in a variety of tastes from sweet to dry. It is similar to a desert wine and is pleasant to drink alone without any mixer.

Enjoy a sherry and keep your calorie count relatively low.

SHERRYPer 50ml pub measure


Calories in Delicado 50
Calories in Original 70
Calories in Particular 60
 Gonzales Byass
Calories in Caballero 55
Calories in Elegante 45
Calories in La Concha 55
Calories in Tio Pepe 45
 Harveys of Bristol
Calories in 1796 Fine Old Amontillado 56
Calories in 1796 Palo Cortado 56
Calories in 1796 Rich Old Oloroso 82
Calories in Bristol Cream 80
Calories in Club Amontillado 60
Calories in Copper Beech 78
Calories in John Harvey 65
Calories in Luncheon Dry 50

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What Diet: Calories in Sherry