Z of Celebrity Diets Celebrity Diets A Z

Z of Celebrity Diets is for Celebrity Diets A Z list of diet plans followed by celebrities.

Z is for…

Zone Diet

Madonna, Demi Moore and Jennifer Aniston have all used the zone diet to lose weight. The zone diet is based on a 40:30:30 daily calories ratio obtained from carbohydrates, proteins and fats respectively. The zone diet is also known as the 40-30-30 plan.

Food with high fat and carbohydrates such as grains, starches, and pastas should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are the preferred source of carbs and monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil, almonds, avocados) are the ideal choice of fats.


If you want to keep in shape sleep is a must. Sleep helps keep you in shape. Penelope Cruz apparently sleeps as much as 15 hours a night! Check out her new book

Irregular sleep is believed to adversely affect metabolic functions. This can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and vascular problems.

Lack of sleep may cause imbalance in the hormones leptin and ghrelin which control appetite and hunger.

You should aim to get seven or eight hours of undisturbed sleep each night dreaming of the new slimmer you!

Good luck!

Useful links
“Check Out ZoneDiet.com Today!”
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Photo credits Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net


What Diet: Celebrity Diets A Z