Phen375 vs Proactol

If you’re wondering which is the best weight loss pill to use Phen375 you’ve no doubt come across Phen375 vs Proactol.  Here we look at the differences between the two weight loss pills and see how they stack up in the weight loss market.

Phen375 is a fat burner pill which works to increase metabolism to help you burn off more calories and help you feel more energetic.  The effect of this is to assist you in eating less food, therefore cutting down calories and resulting in weight loss.

In addition Phen375 works to decrease appetite by making you feel fuller for longer.  One of the consequences of taking Phen375 is that you feel thirsty and therefore drink more fluids which also helps keep you feeling fuller and assists with weight loss.

By contrast Proactol is a fat binder weight loss pill.  This means that it works by binding the fat in your food which is then passed out of your body without being used by your body or stored by your body as fat.  It is said that Proactol will work on about 25% of the fact consumed in your food thereby cutting down the amount of calories absorbed from your food resulting in weight loss.  Proactol does not work by burning the fat that you consume but by binding it and allowing it to pass from the body.

In terms of buying Phen375 or Proactol, Proactol is available from a UK base and Phen375 is shipped from the USA.  In terms of Phen375 however this does not make much difference as there are often offers for free shipping and the product arrives relatively fast.

In terms of price of Phen375 and Proactol, from time to time each of these diet pills have special offers and discounts available which can be accessed by visiting the official sites for each of Phen375 and Proactol.

Visit Phen375 official site

Visit Proactol official site

Overall, for a month’s supply of each of the diet pills you can expect to pay approximately £40 to £45.

In terms of ingredients, both of these diet pill products are derived from natural products and have no known major side effects.

In terms of how much weight loss and how long the product needs to be used, this is primarily down to your use of the product.  Average weight loss of approximately 9 lbs per month for Proactol is often experienced. Average weight loss of around 12 lbs per month for Phen375 is the norm with some users reporting up to as much as 20 lbs weight loss!

In both cases you need at least a month’s supply to experience weight loss and most users opt for a 3 to 6 months supply as the offers often make it worth your while to buy in bulk. Both products offer money back guarantees to underline the fact that customers can have confidence in the claims of each product.

However in both cases the weight loss is down to you.  Obviously with are Proactol the lesser amount of fat you consume them the more weight you will lose.  Similarly with Phen375 you are advised to follow a sensible eating diet consequently cutting down calories consumed which will of itself lead to weight loss.  Both of these diet pills therefore depend on the user for the amount of weight loss that is obtained and what this depends on is the amount of calories consumed by the user.  Isn’t this the basis of all weight loss anyway?

Therefore use of these weight loss pills of itself will not result in weight loss if you are not also following a diet plan, preferably with exercise, however use of Proactol or Phen375 will boost weight loss particularly in the early weeks or so are worth trying if you find it difficult to stick to a diet without any assistance.

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What Diet: Phen375 vs Proactol