Calories in chinese lemon chicken       

Calories in chinese lemon chicken
How many calories in chinese lemon chicken from the chinese shop?

Delicious and zingy with chicken for a high protein boost but how healthy is lemon chicken from the chinese takeaway?

Find out below plus get the nutritional values for fat, carbohydrates and protein for chinese lemon chicken.

Calories in chinese lemon chicken, average serving of one chicken breast and sauce

CHINESE LEMON CHICKEN Per serving of one chicken breast and sauce                 
Calories 500kcal
Carbohydrate 31g
Protein 42g
Fat 34g
Fibre 1g






Chinese chicken in lemon sauce is a different style of dish and something unusual. The chicken is often broiled with the sauce being thick and zingy. The two flavours make a good combination and this chinese dish tastes sweet and satisfying.

However calories can be high in this chinese meal due to the lemon sauce being sugary and fatty.

Make sure you go for a boiled rice accompaniment or bean sprout side dish to keep the calories as low as possible.


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