Calories in chinese Rice

Calories in chinese Rice
Calories in chinese rice boiled as a side dish from the chinese take out or restaurant can be the healthy option.

Calories for Rice boiled, per rounded tablespoon from the chinese takeaway shop plus fat, carbohydrates and protein for boiled chinese rice.

Calories in chinese Rice boiled, per rounded tablespoon

CHINESE BOILED RICE Per rounded tablespoon                                                   
Calories 40kcal
Carbohydrate 9g
Protein 1g
Fat <1g
Fibre <1g

Chinese boiled rice is a common side dish for Chinese meals. It goes well with sauces and is fairly low calorie as compared to the other alternatives such as chips or fried rice. Limit yourself to a few spoonfuls and you can have a low calorie chinese main meal.

Boiled rice is a better choice than fried rice but if you want to cut the calories even more try a side dish of beansprouts or mixed vegetables with your chinese main course rather than rice.


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