Subway bacon and cheese

How many calories in Subway bacon and cheese? Find out with the calories chart for Subway bacon and cheese  calorie review.

If you want to add some bacon or cheese to your Subway sub or flat-bread make sure you add on the additional calories which can boost the overall calorie intake. Whether you are garnishing your Subway salad with some extra cheese or your Subway sub with extra bacon add on that extra fifty odd calories.

Check out the  Subway bacon and cheese  calories chart below.


Bacon & Cheese

Per typical serving                                                



Calories in Subway American 40
Calories in Subway Monterey Cheddar 57
Calories in Subway Bacon (2 strips) 40

See more of the Subway menu calorie counted

Useful links
Food calorie counter
Alcohol calorie counter
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What Diet: Subway bacon and cheese