How many calories do you burn on an average day

If you want to lose weight you need to know how many calories do you burn on an average day. Once you know your daily requirements you can calculate calorie intake at a lower rate in order to reach your target weight loss goals.

It is best to measure calories consumed over a one week period so that you go for a weekly total of calories consumed so you can be flexible in counting calories. For example if you eat out one day you may consume more calories than an average day. You can counterbalance this by cutting back on calories eaten the following day so you average out at your daily rate of calories consumed. This is far better than viewing a day of eating over your calorie intake as a failure and blowing your calorie counting diet altogether. This inevitably leads to yo-yo dieting and does not get you anywhere in the long run.

Use the daily calorie counter to calculate how many calories you need per day to maintain your current body weight.  The BMR calculator on the other hand calculates how many calories your body requires at rest, ie it’s basic level of calorie requirements.

By checking the ideal body weight calculator you can find the weight you ideally should target. Also read our article on how many calories you need to eat in order to lose weight here

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What Diet: How many calories do you burn on an average day?