Diet New Year Plan: How to keep your weight loss New Years ResolutionsDiet new year plan

The New Year has just passed and one of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight on a diet new year plan. Choosing a diet plan and sticking to it though can be hard. Especially when the January blues kick in and the cupboard still holds a generous helping of Christmas goodies that you don’t want to see go to waste.

Despite the good weight loss intentions and high spirits of starting the New Year with weight loss in mind the desire to continue with the diet plans soon wanes. By Valentine’s day most dieters have completely abandoned their weight loss goals for another year.

If you want the achieve that slim new you on time for the summer holidays or spring break though you need to stick with your dieting goals and keep your dreams firmly fixed in your mind. So what does it take to stick with the diet New Year plan and finally get the weight loss success you desire?

What Diet looks at a few useful dieting tips to make sticking with your New Year’s resolutions and diet new year plan easier for weight loss success this year 2012.

Make sure your Diet New Year Plan is Realistic 

Quick tip number one is to set a realistic diet new year plan at the outset. Many enthusiastic dieters set weight loss goals that are way too lofty and are setting themselves up to fail. After the first flush of dieting enthusiasm wears off the goal set in the New Year seems too out of grasp and consequently the thought of not reaching it at all sets in which is fatal to success.

Dieting Solution: Make sure you properly and honestly evaluate your ability to give what it takes to achieve your weight loss goal. It will take commitment time, energy and financial resources to succeed so keep this in mind when setting your New Year’s resolution.

Record your weight loss progress

Without any method of accountability there is no way to chart dieting progress leaving you wondering where you are and how your weight loss is doing, or not, as the case may be.

Dieting Solution: Tell a friend or close family member about your diet goals check in with them at regular intervals to chart your progress. This will make you feel more accountable as you will have to report to them regularly. If you don’t feel like sharing your weight loss aspirations with someone you directly know then you could record your weight loss and workouts in a diary or an online journal with a small community of users working towards weight loss goals. There are plenty of diet forums you can join for free and this will help boost morale.  Just having something in place to check upon your progress really helps motivate you.

Get The Knowledge You Need

Ensure you get the help that you need to succeed on your diet new year plan.  If you don’t know much about dieting and exercise and what works and what doesn’t then you need to learn the basics otherwise you could be pursuing methods with no chance of success.

Dieting Solution: To find out about nutrition and workouts and what would likely work for you could consult with a personal trainer or dietician. There are plenty that can be found online in your local area. They could also act as your mentor or support group (see previous tip) to boost your confidence to succeed losing weight.  Alternatively there are plenty of exercise and workout books and diet books available. Also there is an abundance of free online dieting information and free online exercise information. What Diet offers free diet reviews so you can check out what diet may suit you and how much you can lose plus diet pros and cons.

A properly designed workout and diet program really is a must for success, so be sure that you don’t overlook this.

Use Mini Goals as stepping stones to achieve your final weight loss goal

Finally, your final diet goal may seem too far in the distance tempting you to give up when the going gets tough. Does it all seem like hard work and too much of a slog to lose weight and achieve the body you desire? At points along you weight loss journey it may seem that way but don’t give up!

Dieting Solution: set some  mini goals or stepping stones along the way to your final weight loss goal.  Your long term resolution may be a few months away so in the meantime set some mini diet goals along the way so when you achieve them you feel a sense of achievement and fell inspired to continue with your diet new year plan.

These goals benchmarks to work towards and they help you see exactly how you’re doing up in terms of reaching your final weight loss goal.

We hope these few great ideas help  you meet your New Year’s resolutions for diet success in 2012.  Make this year the year that you finally achieve your dieting success.

Useful links
Other diet tips

Photo credits Image: dream designs /

What Diet: Diet new year plan