Subway Desserts

How many calories in Subway Desserts? Which is the best Subway Dessert to choose if I am on a diet? Find the answers below in the What Diet Subway Desserts calorie counter.

Fancy a delicious Subway Chocolate Chip Cookie? r perhaps a Subway Chocolate Donut? These are middle of the range desserts in terms of calories for Subway Desserts. The best bet for calorie counters and dietrrs is the Subway Oatmeal Raisin Cookie or Subway Sugared Donut (yes it’s true!) with just over 200 calories each.

If you are veering to the dark side then the Subway Chocolate Chunk Muffin or the Subway Double Chocolate Chunk Muffin at almost 400 calories each will get you there.

Get calorie wise with the Subway Desserts calorie chart below.



Per typical serving                                                



Calories in Subway Chocolate Chip Cookie 218
Calories in Subway Rainbow Cookie 215
Calories in Subway Chocolate Chunk Cookie 224
Calories in Subway Double ChocChip Cookie 221
Calories in Subway Oatmeal Raisin Cookie 190
Calories in Subway Sugar Cookie 231
Calories in Subway White ChipMac Nut Cookie 222
Calories in Subway Chocolate Donut 243
Calories in Subway Sugared Donut 207
Calories in Subway Blueberry Muffin 352
Calories in Subway Chocolate Chunk Muffin 394
Calories in Subway Double Chocolate Chunk Muffin 389

See more of the Subway menu calorie counted

Useful links
Food calorie counter
Alcohol calorie counter
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What Diet: Subway Desserts