Calories Burned Calculator by Heart Rate

Use the Calories Burned Calculator by Heart Rate to find how many calories you burn with reference to your heart rate.

Useful for sports where calories burned cannot be assessed by reference to typical sports or the level at which the sport is practised. You can assess the calories used manually by using the steps below but using our Calories Burned Calculator by Heart Rate gives a quick and easy indication.

What is VO2 Max? VO2 max means or maximal oxygen uptake and is an indicator of your capacity to perform sustained exercise and is linked to aerobic endurance. VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen you can use during intense exercise. This measurement is generally considered as the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance.

Manual calculation for calories burned by heart rate

Using your average heart rate, you can estimate calories burned during exercise. This is because heart rate is related to calorie expenditure. The calculation is most accurate when heart rate is between 90 and 150 beats per minute (bpm). You also need your weight, gender and duration of the exercise session.

1. Weigh yourself.

Measure your weight in pounds.

3. The Equation for Males

For males, use the equation C = (0.6309 x H + 0.09036 x W + 0.2017 x A — 55.0969) x T / 4.184


C is the number of calories that you burned

H is your average heart rate

W is your weight

A is your age and

T is the length of your exercise session in minutes

4. The Equation for Females

For females, use the equation C = (0.4472 x H — 0.05741 x W + 0.074 x A — 20.4022) x T / 4.184.

As an example, a 28-year-old female weighing 146 pounds with average heart rate during a 36 minutes exercise session was 138 bpm.

C = (0.4472 x 138 — 0.05741 x 146 + 0.074 x 28 — 20.4022) x 36 / 4.184 = 301 calories.

Heart rate monitors
You wil need a heart rate monitor to assess calories burned using this method.


Useful links
Calories Burned
Alcohol calorie counter
Food calorie counter
Fast Food Calorie Counter
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What Diet: Calories Burned Calculator by Heart Rate